Psychosocial Interventions for Managing Chronic Pain: A Systematic Review


  • Naeem Yasin University: College of Computing and Digital Media (CDM), Depaul University Chicago.


chronic pain, psychosocial interventions, cognitive-behavioral therapy, mindfulness, relaxation techniques


Abstract: This systematic review examines the efficacy of psychosocial interventions in managing chronic pain. Through a comprehensive search of electronic databases, studies investigating various psychosocial approaches, including cognitive-behavioral therapy, mindfulness-based interventions, relaxation techniques, and social support networks, were identified and synthesized. The review highlights the impact of psychosocial interventions on pain intensity, functional disability, psychological distress, and quality of life among individuals with chronic pain conditions. Key findings suggest that psychosocial interventions play a crucial role in mitigating the burden of chronic pain, offering viable alternatives or complements to pharmacological treatments. The implications of these findings for clinical practice, future research directions, and the integration of psychosocial interventions into multidisciplinary pain management programs are discussed. Keywords: chronic pain, psychosocial interventions, cognitive-behavioral therapy, mindfulness, relaxation techniques.


