Archiving Policy


The Journal of Environmental Sciences and Technology (JEST) is committed to long-term preservation and accessibility of its published content. This archiving policy outlines the guidelines for archiving and preserving JEST articles.

Archiving Scope

JEST archives all published articles, including accepted manuscripts and published versions (publisher's PDFs).

Archiving Options

Authors are encouraged to archive their accepted manuscripts and published versions in institutional or centrally organized repositories. Authors may also make their articles publicly available immediately through Open Access upon acceptance and publication, provided that the journal and SPCRD Global Publishing are attributed as the original place of publication and that correct citation details are given.

Archiving Guidelines

Authors should follow the following guidelines when archiving their articles:

    • Deposit the accepted manuscript or the version of record (published papers) in institutional and/or centrally organized repositories.
    • Make the articles publicly available immediately through Open Access.
    • Attribute the journal and SPCRD Global Publishing as the original place of publication.
    • Provide correct citation details.
    • Deposit the URL of the published article, in addition to the PDF version.
    • Correctly cite the journal name and SPCRD Global Publishing as publisher along with other citation details.

Digital Archiving and Preservation

SPCRD Global Publishing is committed to digitally archiving and preserving all published scholarly content of JEST. We are applying for digital archiving and preservation of all volumes and Issues of JEST to authorized organizations. Furthermore, we are committed to submitting the metadata of JEST to institutional repositories.


All authors publishing in JEST are required to comply with this archiving policy. Failure to comply may result in publication delays or removal of the article from the journal's website.