Understanding the Interplay between Genetics and Environmental Factors in Autoimmune Disorders


  • Tahir alkarkhi Department of medical health and technology, Indigent medical college, India


Autoimmune disorders, genetics, environmental factors, immune dysregulation, personalized medicine


Abstract: Autoimmune disorders arise from complex interactions between genetic susceptibility factors and environmental triggers, leading to dysregulation of the immune system and tissue damage. This review explores the interplay between genetics and environmental factors in the pathogenesis of autoimmune diseases, highlighting key mechanisms underlying disease development and progression. Genetic studies have identified numerous susceptibility loci associated with autoimmune disorders, implicating immune-related genes, regulatory elements, and pathways in disease susceptibility. However, genetic predisposition alone is insufficient to explain disease onset, as environmental factors play a critical role in triggering immune dysregulation and initiating autoimmunity. Environmental triggers, including infections, diet, lifestyle factors, and exposure to toxins, can modulate immune responses, alter gene expression, and contribute to the initiation and exacerbation of autoimmune diseases. Understanding the complex interplay between genetic and environmental factors is essential for elucidating disease mechanisms, identifying novel therapeutic targets, and developing personalized treatment strategies for autoimmune disorders.


